PRP for Hair Restoration Timeless Elements Med Spa


It’s no secret, hair-loss may be more common than you think. Over 40% of Americans in their mid-thirties will begin to experience some sort of hair loss. While it is most common in the later years, hair loss can also impact younger adults as well. If you are struggling with thinning hair, PRP Injections for Hair Growth may be the solution for you!

  • PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, exists within your blood and aids in healing and anti-aging processes. Your blood is processed and PRP is extracted to be injected on its own or in combination with other aesthetic treatments.

  • PRP contains a substance called growth factors, which helps invoke the healing and cell production processes within the body.

  • The results of a hair restoration treatment using platelet-rich plasma, often known as PRP, can vary, although an improvement may be evident anywhere from two months to six months after treatment. PRP treatment for hair loss may require multiple treatments spread out over a period of months or even up to a year in order to achieve the desired level of effectiveness. It is essential to keep in mind that platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is not a cure-all for hair thinning, and that continuous maintenance treatments may be required in order to sustain the results. Consult the qualified medical staff at Timeless Elements Med Spa & Laser Center regarding the estimated amount of treatments needed and time frame in which you can expect to see results.

  • The number of treatments will vary on the individual and the results they are hoping to achieve.

    Most patients see results on our recommended schedule of 3 treatments every 4 weeks until ideal results are achieved.

  • If you are starting to notice thinning hair on areas of your scalp, PRP Injections may be for you!

    This treatment is perfect for those hoping to fill in thinner areas of the scalp or increase the fullness of their hair. It is not for extreme hair loss or balding. Serious hair loss issues should be discussed with your primary care physician.

    Contact Timeless Elements Med Spa ad Laser Center for a free consultation to see if PRP Injections are the right step for you!


Would you like to find out if PRP Injections are the hair solution you have been looking for? We can help! During a complimentary consult, our expert team will assess your current condition and recommend treatments to get you on the right track for obtaining your beauty goals. What are you waiting for! Contact timeless Elements Med Spa and Laser Center today to set up your free consult!